DIY Rabbit Toys
Rabbits are curious animals who love exploring and figuring out how things work. Toys are a great way to keep your rabbit entertained but they are often quite pricey. So I'll be sharing a few DIYs that my rabbit loves playing with.
Cardboard Treat Balls
What you'll need
Cardboard toilet paper roll
My rabbit playing with it
Cut you paper roll into 6 rings of your desired length (I did about 1cm)
Get two of your rings and put one inside of the other so they make a cross
Continue to add the rest of the rings
Put a treat in the ball and give it to your rabbit
Veggie Line
This isn't really a toy but it'll still keep your rabbits entertained.
What you'll need
Knife (depending on what veggies/fruit you used)
Pegs (optional)
My rabbit playing with it
Cut a piece of string long enough to be tied to two chairs
Cut up vegetables of your choice
You can either peg your veggies to the string or cut holes in them and thread them through
Tie one end of your string to a chair and the other end to a another chair
Spread the chairs as far as you want
Hidey Treat Box
This is a fun way to get your rabbit to work for their food.
What you'll need
Square tissue box (a normal tissue box will also work fine)
Around 9 cardboard toilet rolls (use as many as you need to fill your box)
My rabbit playing with it
Cut the top of your tissue box off (the part with the plastic)
Put the toilet paper rolls in the box
Put a treat in a few of the rolls
I hope these gave you some ideas. If you try any of these let me know how it went in the comments. Have a lovely day.
EDIT: Sorry I just realised you can only comment on a phone
My rabbit loved the tissue box one!